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Support Boy Scout Troop 361 and bring aluminum cans, #1 plastic, and glass bottles for recycling.

VBS Volunteer Orientation

Nagano Chapel

All volunteers are invited to attend a VBS volunteer orientation.

All-Church Lunch

Everyone is invited to stay after service for a time of eating together and fellowship. Menu: Pizza. Suggested donation $3. 

CBS Caregiver Support Group

Ministry Center Room 205

Join us as we Care for each other, Bear each other's burdens, and Share our stories of the joys and challenges of caregiving for ill or aging loved ones.

Women’s Ministry Lunch Break

Ministry Center Room 200

Bring your lunch plate and join us for a time of informal fellowship and prayer with fellow EBCLA women.

The Open Door

Ministry Center Room 201/202

A support and fellowship group for LGBT/Queer Christians and allies.