CLASS Community
Join CLASS Community! A Church For Monday (MC201/202). Rethinking Faith (MC100/101).
All Church Lunch
Everyone is invited to stay after service for a time of eating together and fellowship. Menu: Chili Rice. Suggested donation $3.
The Dialogue
Nagano ChapelA monthly meeting on LGBT+ inclusion from a conservative point of view.
The Open Door
Ministry Center Room 201/202A support and fellowship group for LGBT/Queer Christians and allies.
Prime Timer’s Bible Study
Ministry Center Room 100/101Join Prime Timer’s (55+) monthly for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study.
Men’s Breakfast
Diner on Main, AlhambraAll men are invited to our monthly group to eat together and reflect on a book study. RSVP to Pastor Jonathan.
CLASS Community
Join CLASS Community! A Church For Monday (MC201/202). Rethinking Faith (MC100/101).
TOD Parent Support Group
A support group for parents of LGBT/Queer children.
TTT Lunch – Anaheim/Irvine
The pastoral staff will be in Anaheim/Irvine area to meet with all who work in and around that area. Contact Pastor Jonathan for details and to RSVP.
Prime Timer’s Breakfast
Ministry Center Fellowship HallAll Prime Timer's (55+) are invited for a special breakfast and fellowship hosted by the Young Adult Ministry. " "Technology 101 for Seniors". Bring your phones, tablets, computers and cameras, and your questions/problems. Contact Michi Tanioka for details and to RSVP.