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Retired Ministers & Missionaries Offering

We are grateful for and want to express our appreciation to the retired American Baptist ministers and missionaries who have served our wider church family. These year-end gifts are a special year-end blessing to them. On December 1, use the RMMO envelope or write RMMO on the offering envelope.

Advent Dinner Potluck

EBCLA Sanctuary

Everyone is welcomed to celebrate the Advent season as a church family. Wear your ugly holiday sweater. There will be carol singing, children’s crafts, and other festive activities. Last Name: (A-G) Side Dishes; (H-T) Main Dishes; (U-Z) Fruit/Desserts.

Resource Plan Town Hall

Ministry Center Room 100/101

Come if you have any questions for the Finance Committee or Board about our 2020 proposed budget. We will be meeting before and after service (9:00am and 11:30am).

Eden Projects Fundraiser

Support Eden Projects in planting trees in Haiti, Madagascar, Nepal, and Indonesia. Make a donation and receive a tree or boat ornament that you can gift to your family and friends. Your donation will help reduce extreme poverty and restore healthy forests by employing local villagers to plant trees. Located at the ministry cart. 

Parent Connection

Ministry Center Fellowship Hall

Attention parents who are expecting or who have kids ages 0-30. Share with and learn from other parents! New topics every week. Contact Shirley Lew for more information.

The Journey

Ministry Center Room 200

All parents of children (of any age) with special needs are invited to join this monthly group. Contact Pastor Julie for more information.

CBS Caregivers Support Group

Ministry Center Room 200

Join us as we Care for each other, Bear each other's burdens, and Share our stories of the joys and challenges of caregiving for ill or aging loved ones.

The Open Door

Ministry Center Room 201/202

A support and fellowship group for LGBT/Queer Christians and allies.

Prime Timer’s Bible Study

Ministry Center Room 100/101

Join Prime Timer’s (55+) monthly for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study. Contact Pastor Julie for more information.