The Journey
Ministry Center Room 200All parents of children (of any age) with special needs are invited to join this monthly group. Contact Pastor Julie for more information.
Palm Sunday Service
EBCLA SanctuaryWelcome to Passion Week as we remember the events leading to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Our children’s choir will share two special songs.
All-Church Lunch
Everyone is invited to stay after service for a time of eating together and fellowship. Menu: French Dip Sandwiches. Suggested donation $3.
The Dialogue
Nagano ChapelA monthly meeting on LGBT+ inclusion from a conservative point of view.
The Open Door
Ministry Center Room 201/202A support and fellowship group for LGBT/Queer Christians and allies.
TTT Lunch – Downtown LA
The pastoral staff will be in Downtown LA at Fig & 7th to meet with all who work in and around that area. Contact Pastor Jonathan for details and to RSVP.
Good Friday Service
EBCLA SanctuaryThis contemplative service revisits the sufferings and death of Jesus and invites us to reflect on Jesus’ work on the cross on our behalf. Stay afterwards for a special viewing of “Silence” directed by Martin Scorsese.
Holy Saturday Service
Nagano ChapelHoly Saturday is a day to reflect and mourn in response to Christ’s crucifixion and allows us space to wrestle with our own doubts, questions, and suffering. Join us for an interactive and reflective service.
Children’s Easter Celebration
8:30am Sunday School, Nagano Chapel (Grades K-4th) 9:20am Egg Hunt, Courtyard (Toddlers, Pre-school, Pre-K) 9:35am Egg Hunt, Courtyard (Grades K-4th) A creative Easter program for all children (infant to 4th grade) followed by our annual easter egg hunt. Come witness the delight and excitement!
Easter Sunday Services
The tomb is empty! Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! All are invited to celebrate the joy of Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. Our adult choir will lead our time of worship and praise. Pastor Jason will bring the Easter message. Enjoy a delicious chicken and waffle lunch hosted by our Evergreen Scout groups […]