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CLASS Community

Join CLASS Community! A Church For Monday (MC201/202). Rethinking Faith (MC100/101).

Parent Connection Group

Ministry Center Fellowship Hall

Attention parents who are expecting or who have kids ages 0-30. Share with and learn from other parents! New topics every week. Contact Shirley Lew for more information.

CLASS Community

Join CLASS Community! A Church For Monday (MC201/202). Rethinking Faith (MC100/101).

Creatives Gathering

Ministry Center Fellowship Hall

If you are an artist, designer, writer, photographer, musician, fashion designer, film maker, or anything else creative, come join Pastor Jason for an open meeting to connect with other creatives within our church family! Contact: Pastor Jason

Prayer Vigil

Nagano Chapel

Come join us for our annual 24-hour Prayer Vigil starting on Friday, October 11 at 7:00pm until Saturday, October 12 at 7:00pm. We are hoping to start this year off with a strong corporate reminder of our need for God with an accessible and fun event. Please come for both community-centric and individual prayer experiences. […]

Men’s Breakfast

Ministry Center Room 100/101

All men are invited to our monthly group to eat together and reflect on a book study. RSVP to Pastor Jonathan. 

Parent Connection Group

Ministry Center Fellowship Hall

Attention parents who are expecting or who have kids ages 0-30. Share with and learn from other parents! New topics every week. Contact Shirley Lew for more information.

CLASS Community

Join CLASS Community! A Church For Monday (MC201/202). Rethinking Faith (MC100/101).

The Journey (Special Needs Support Group)

Ministry Center Room 200

All parents of children (of any age) with special needs are invited to join this monthly group. Contact Pastor Julie for more information.

World Missions Offering

This month we have the privilege to bless and support our International Ministries family (which includes Glen & Rita Chapman, Daniel & Sarah Chetti, Mike & Jill Lowery, Kyle & Katrina Williams). Please use the special envelope or write "WMO" on your check memo/offering envelope.