Membership Seminar
Admin Building Conference RoomConsidering becoming a member of Evergreen-LA? Learn about the purposes and responsibilities of membership. The next opportunity to be affirmed as a member is February 23. Please note: Baptism is a prerequisite for membership. Contact Pastor Jonathan to RSVP.
Creatives Gathering
Ministry Center Room 100/101If you are an artist, designer, writer, photographer, musician, fashion designer, filmmaker, or anything else creative, come join Pastor Jason for an open meeting to connect with other creatives within our church family! Contact: Pastor Jason
Superbowl Party
Ministry Center Fellowship HallThe Men's Ministry invites everyone to our annual Super Bowl Party. Hang out with other Evergreeners, and enjoy our culinary spread. Donation of $7. Contact Pastor Jonathan if you would like to help out.
Prime Timer’s Bible Study
Ministry Center Room 100/101Join Prime Timer’s (55+) monthly for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study. Contact Pastor Julie for more information.
Men’s Breakfast
All men are invited to our monthly group to eat together and reflect on a book study. We will be meeting in Culver City. RSVP to Pastor Jonathan.
Parent Connection
Ministry Center Fellowship HallAttention parents who are expecting or who have kids ages 0-30. Share with and learn from other parents! New topics every week. Contact Shirley Lew for more information.
CLASS Community
Join CLASS Community! Contact Pastor Jonathan for more information. Seeing the Whole Bible (MC201/202). The Enneagram: Discovering Your Type Toward Personal Growth and Healthy Community (MC100/101). *There will be no class on February 16th due to Presidents' Day.
The Journey
Ministry Center Room 200All parents of children (of any age) with special needs are invited to join this monthly group. Contact Pastor Julie for more information.
CBS Caregivers Support Group
Ministry Center Room 200Join us as we Care for each other, Bear each other's burdens, and Share our stories of the joys and challenges of caregiving for ill or aging loved ones.
Girl Scout Cookies
It’s Cookie Season! Stop by the ministry cart to purchase some delicious Girl Scout cookies and support Evergreen Girls Scout Troop 1521. For more information, contact Jenny Leung.