Prime Timer’s Breakfast
Back of the SanctuaryAll Prime Timer's (55+) are invited for a special breakfast and fellowship. Contact Michi Tanioka for details and to RSVP.
Support Boy Scout Troop 361 and bring aluminum cans, #1 plastic, and glass bottles for recycling.
Class Community
Join CLASS Community! Connection Parenting (MCFH). Finishing Well: Following Jesus In Your Encore Years (MC100/101). Immigration, Race, and Faith (MC201/202).
The Open Door Parent Support Group
Ministry Center Room 100/101A support group for parents of LGBT/Queer children.
Church in the Park
Whittier Narrows Recreation AreaJoin us for our annual Church in the Park (Sunday of Memorial Day weekend). BBQ lunch with potluck sides, salads, and dessert. If you love planning large group events, contact Pastor Jonathan:
New & Expecting Parents Gathering
All expecting and parents of young children (under 3) are invited to join us for a breakfast and a time of fellowship to connect with others who are new on their parenting journey. Contact Pastor Julie to RSVP.
Class Community
Join CLASS Community! Connection Parenting (MCFH). Finishing Well: Following Jesus In Your Encore Years (MC100/101). Immigration, Race, and Faith (MC201/202).
Creatives Gathering
Ministry Center Room 200If you are an artist, designer, writer, photographer, musician, fashion designer, film maker, or anything else creative, come join Pastor Jason for an open meeting to connect with other creatives within our church family! Contact: Pastor Jason
Men’s Breakfast
Ministry Center Room 100/101All men are invited to our monthly group to eat together and reflect on a book study. RSVP to Pastor Jonathan. Location: EBCLA, MC100/101