All expecting and parents of young children (under 3) are invited to join us for a breakfast and a time of fellowship to connect with others who are new on their parenting journey. Contact Pastor Shirley to RSVP.
If you are an artist, designer, writer, photographer, musician, fashion designer, film maker, or anything else creative, come join Pastor Jason for an open meeting to connect with other creatives within our church family! Contact: Pastor Jason
Help us show kingdom hospitality to Family Promise guests on the week of March 17-24. Volunteer individually or with a group. Be a part of hosting dinner, staying overnight, taking on breakfast duty, or helping with set-up/take down. Sign up at the cart February 17-March 3 or contact Sue Muramatsu for details.
May 17 - May 19 @ Thousand Pines, Lake Arrowhead All men are invited to attend our men’s retreat. Speaker is Kevin Doi, chaplain, Fuller Seminary and former founder/lead pastor, Epic Church. Theme is “Forged”. Cost is $140 (2 nights and 5 meals). Come by the ministry cart to sign up.
All who are interested in getting Baptized, are invited to this seminar. Baptism is a pre-requisite for Membership. RSVP to Eileen Quon:
MEMBERSHIP SEMINAR All who are interested in Membership are invited to this meeting. Baptism is a pre-requisite for Membership. RSVP to Eileen Quon:
We are part of the ABCOFLASH Region (Los Angeles, Southwest, and Hawaii) of the American Baptist Churches of the USA. To learn more about our region, click the link below: