If you are an artist, designer, writer, photographer, musician, fashion designer, filmmaker, or anything else creative, come join Pastor Jason for an open meeting to connect with other creatives within our church family! Contact: Pastor Jason
Join us as we extend Kingdom hospitality and community to Family Promise guests. You can volunteer individually or with a group. Be a part of hosting dinner, staying overnight, breakfast duty, or helping with set-up/takedown. Sign up starting 02/09 at the cart or contact John Chern.
All men are invited to our monthly group to eat together and reflect on a book study. We will be meeting at Colonial Kitchen in San Marino. RSVP to Pastor Jonathan.
Join us as we Care for each other, Bear each other's burdens, and Share our stories of the joys and challenges of caregiving for ill or aging loved ones. Contact Sandra Jung at sansmitten@juno.com.
We are part of the ABCOFLASH Region (Los Angeles, Southwest, and Hawaii) of the American Baptist Churches of the USA. To learn more about our region, click the link below: