“Faith in the Public Square for the Common Good” What does it mean to be salt and light in the world, called to be In the world, and yet not of the world (Matthew 5:16, Romans 12:1-2). What is the apologetics of our Christian faith today in a divisive and contentious world? How can each […]
"How to be an Antiracist" book discussion. We invite you to engage in an interactive conversation on racism in America. Participants will grapple with its different forms, increasing awareness of one's conscious expression and practices. Using the book authored by Ibram Kendi as a primer, there will be a concurrent reflections of selected Scripture texts […]
"How to be an Antiracist" book discussion. We invite you to engage in an interactive conversation on racism in America. Participants will grapple with its different forms, increasing awareness of one's conscious expression and practices. Using the book authored by Ibram Kendi as a primer, there will be a concurrent reflections of selected Scripture texts […]
Community for parents who are expecting or who have kids ages 0-30. Share with and learn from other parents! New topics every week. Contact Shirley Lew for more information.
"How to be an Antiracist" book discussion. We invite you to engage in an interactive conversation on racism in America. Participants will grapple with its different forms, increasing awareness of one's conscious expression and practices. Using the book authored by Ibram Kendi as a primer, there will be a concurrent reflections of selected Scripture texts […]
All Prime Timer's (55+) are invited to an in-person Drive Thru in the church parking lot. The staff is looking forward to seeing you! Contact info@ebcla.org to RSVP.
In response to the physical needs in our Rosemead community, Branches Christian Ministries, Evergreen Baptist Church, Mission Community United Methodist Church, and Open Bible Church are co-hosting a drive through food distribution on Saturday, February 27 at 11:00am at Mission Community United Methodist Church, 9032 Mission Dr, Rosemead, CA 91770. Contact info@ebcla.org for more information.
"How to be an Antiracist" book discussion. We invite you to engage in an interactive conversation on racism in America. Participants will grapple with its different forms, increasing awareness of one's conscious expression and practices. Using the book authored by Ibram Kendi as a primer, there will be a concurrent reflections of selected Scripture texts […]
Join us as we Care for each other, Bear each other's burdens, and Share our stories of the joys and challenges of caregiving for ill or aging loved ones. Contact Sandra Jung for more information.
We are part of the ABCOFLASH Region (Los Angeles, Southwest, and Hawaii) of the American Baptist Churches of the USA. To learn more about our region, click the link below: