We are preparing to affirm our 2021 proposed budget. Come to the town hall if you have any questions for the Finance Committee or the Board. Contact info@ebcla.org for Zoom info.
Join us for a church-wide Zoom service! Please come to service with your own bread and cup for Communion. Contact info@ebcla.org for Zoom info. If you can’t join us on Zoom, you can still enjoy the service through Facebook or YouTube.
All Prime Timer's (55+) are invited to the Prime Timer's Breakfast over zoom! You are welcome to BYOB (Bring Your Own Breakfast) or just come on-line for the fellowship. Contact info@ebcla.org for Zoom details.
In response to the physical needs in our Rosemead community, Branches Christian Ministries, Evergreen Baptist Church, Mission Community United Methodist Church, and Open Bible Church are co-hosting a drive through food distribution on Saturday, December 19 at 11:00am at Evergreen Baptist Church, LA, 1255 San Gabriel Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770. Contact info@ebcla.org for more information.
After the Christmas Worship service, everyone is invited to join us live on Zoom for a time of special fellowship together as a church family. Contact info@ebcla.org for Zoom information.
We invite you to bring your candle to participate in this meaningful time as we reflect on the Nativity story together. Contact info@ebcla.org for zoom information.
Join us as we Care for each other, Bear each other's burdens, and Share our stories of the joys and challenges of caregiving for ill or aging loved ones. Contact Sandra Jung for more information.
We are part of the ABCOFLASH Region (Los Angeles, Southwest, and Hawaii) of the American Baptist Churches of the USA. To learn more about our region, click the link below: