This upcoming sequence titled “Anchored” will introduce us to some of the Baptist distinctives of faith. Evergreen-LA is an American Baptist church and we are connected to a relatively short history within the longer Christian/Protestant tradition. This journey will help us re-visit various anchors of our faith and encourage us to grow deeper. Themes which […]
Join us as the staff looks back at the highlights of 2020 and their perspectives on the coming year. The members will be asked to affirm the allocation of the remaining 2019 General Fund surplus and Jessica Moy as the Deacon of Young Adults. Our 2020 Annual Report will be released. Contact for Zoom […]
This upcoming sequence titled “Anchored” will introduce us to some of the Baptist distinctives of faith. Evergreen-LA is an American Baptist church and we are connected to a relatively short history within the longer Christian/Protestant tradition. This journey will help us re-visit various anchors of our faith and encourage us to grow deeper. Themes which […]
Join us for a church-wide Zoom service! Please come to service with your own bread and cup for Communion. Contact for Zoom info. If you can’t join us on Zoom, you can still enjoy the service through Facebook or YouTube.
This upcoming sequence titled “Anchored” will introduce us to some of the Baptist distinctives of faith. Evergreen-LA is an American Baptist church and we are connected to a relatively short history within the longer Christian/Protestant tradition. This journey will help us re-visit various anchors of our faith and encourage us to grow deeper. Themes which […]
TOD welcomes all to come and hear from guest speaker Stan Yogi. In the past several weeks, awareness of hostility towards Asian Americans has increased. During the same period, the House of Representatives passed the Equality Act, which would protect the civil rights of LGBTQ people. Join author Stan Yogi to place these developments in […]
All Prime Timer's (55+) are invited to the Prime Timer's Breakfast over zoom! You are welcome to BYOB (Bring Your Own Breakfast) or just come on-line for the fellowship. Contact for Zoom details.
This upcoming sequence titled “Anchored” will introduce us to some of the Baptist distinctives of faith. Evergreen-LA is an American Baptist church and we are connected to a relatively short history within the longer Christian/Protestant tradition. This journey will help us re-visit various anchors of our faith and encourage us to grow deeper. Themes which […]
All women of EBCLA are invited to a Welcome Back gathering. It's been a year since we've last met. Would love to see all of you again to catch up with one another. Contact Pastor Shirley
In response to the physical needs in our Rosemead community, Branches Christian Ministries, Evergreen Baptist Church, Mission Community United Methodist Church, and Open Bible Church are co-hosting a drive through food distribution on Saturday, March 27 at 11:00am at Evergreen Baptist Church, 1255 San Gabriel Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770. Contact for more information.
This upcoming sequence titled “Anchored” will introduce us to some of the Baptist distinctives of faith. Evergreen-LA is an American Baptist church and we are connected to a relatively short history within the longer Christian/Protestant tradition. This journey will help us re-visit various anchors of our faith and encourage us to grow deeper. Themes which […]
Community for parents who are expecting or who have kids ages 0-30. Share with and learn from other parents! New topics every week. Contact Shirley Lew for more information.
We are part of the ABCOFLASH Region (Los Angeles, Southwest, and Hawaii) of the American Baptist Churches of the USA. To learn more about our region, click the link below: