Men’s Breakfast
All men are invited to our monthly group to eat together and talk about how our faith connects to everyday life. RSVP to Pastor Jonathan:
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
Offering to support relief efforts in areas impacted by unexpected natural disasters.
The Journey
A monthly support group for parents of children with special needs. Contact Pastor Julie:
Morning in Lectio
Come for a time of lectio divina. Noursh your heart, mind, body and soul by reading, hearing and reflecting on God's word.
The Open Door
A support and fellowship group for LGBT/Queer Christians and allies.
Prime Timer’s Bible Study
Join Prime Timer's (55+) monthly for prayer, fellowship, and focus on praying the psalms.
Summer Worship Acoustic Series
An evening of worship, reflection, prayer and soaking in God's Presence. Contact Romellus Wilson:
Men’s Fellowship
Come enjoy breakfast and fellowship.
The Open Door Parent Support Group
A support group for parents of LGBT/Queer children.
Support Boy Scout Troop 361 and bring aluminum cans, #1 plastic, and glass bottles for recycling.