Fall Festival
Everyone is invited to come and join in the fun! There will be free game booths with prizes, baking contest, face painting, balloon animals, and an outdoor movie. Food available […]
Support Boy Scout Troop 361 and bring aluminum cans, #1 plastic, and glass bottles for recycling.
Class Community
Join CLASS Community! Parenting with Connection (MCFH). Grace based parenting class for parents of all ages.
All-Church Lunch
Everyone is invited to stay after service for a time of eating together and fellowship. Menu: Chili Rice. Suggested donation $3.
The Open Door
A support and fellowship group for LGBT/Queer Christians and allies.
Quarterly Congregational Meeting
All are welcomed to hear updates from Pastor Jason and our ministry staff. We will also be affirming candidates for our Church Board. Lunch, Chili Rice ($3).
Daylight Savings Time
Make it to church on time! Turn your clocks back by one hour on Saturday night.
Baptism Seminar
Ministry Center Room 100/101Have you been wanting to be baptized? Baptism is a meaningful spiritual milestone because we publicly declare our faith in Christ as Savior and Lord and our incorporation into the […]
Host Family Promise of SGV
Help us show kingdom hospitality to Family Promise guests on the week of November 4-11. Volunteer individually or with a group. Be a part of hosting dinner, staying overnight, taking […]
Men’s Breakfast
All men are invited to our monthly group to eat together and reflect on the "The Economics of Neighborly Love". RSVP to Pastor Jonathan. Location: Twohey's Restaurant.