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Class Community

Join CLASS Community! Connection Parenting (MCFH). Finishing Well: Following Jesus In Your Encore Years (MC100/101). Immigration, Race, and Faith (MC201/202).

Creatives Gathering

Ministry Center Room 200

If you are an artist, designer, writer, photographer, musician, fashion designer, film maker, or anything else creative, come join Pastor Jason for an open meeting to connect with other creatives […]

Men’s Breakfast

Ministry Center Room 100/101

All men are invited to our monthly group to eat together and reflect on a book study. RSVP to Pastor Jonathan.  Location: EBCLA, MC100/101

Class Community

Join CLASS Community! Connection Parenting (MCFH). Finishing Well: Following Jesus In Your Encore Years (MC100/101). Immigration, Race, and Faith (MC201/202).

All-Church Lunch

Everyone is invited to stay after service for a time of eating together and fellowship. Menu: Pulled Pork Sliders. Suggested donation $3. 

The Dialogue

Nagano Chapel

A monthly meeting on LGBT+ inclusion from a conservative point of view.

The Open Door

Ministry Center Room 201/202

A support and fellowship group for LGBT/Queer Christians and allies.

Mexico Missions Trip

We will be serving at Deborah’s House, a home for women and children who have suffered from domestic violence in Tijuana, Mexico. Open to adults and teens ages 15+. Valid […]

Prime Timer’s Breakfast

EBCLA Ministry Center Fellowship Hall

All Prime Timer's (55+) are invited for a special breakfast and fellowship. Contact Michi Tanioka for details and to RSVP. 

Class Community

Join CLASS Community! Connection Parenting (MCFH). Finishing Well: Following Jesus In Your Encore Years (MC100/101). Immigration, Race, and Faith (MC201/202).