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VBS Finale

Join us during the 10am worship service, to celebrate the finale of our VBS, "The Incredible Race - Exploring God's Love for the Nations!" There will be worship, special performances, […]

All-Church Lunch

Everyone is invited to stay after service for a time of eating together and fellowship. Menu: Vietnamese Sandwiches. Suggested donation $3. 

The Dialogue

Nagano Chapel

A monthly meeting on LGBT+ inclusion from a conservative point of view.

The Open Door

Ministry Center Room 201/202

A support and fellowship group for LGBT/Queer Christians and allies.

Prime Timer’s Breakfast

All Prime Timer's (55+) are invited for a special breakfast and fellowship. Location: Miller and Jetty's home. Contact Michi Tanioka for details and to RSVP. 

TTT Lunch – Claremont

The pastoral staff will be in Claremont to meet with all who work in and around that area. Contact Pastor Jonathan for details and to RSVP.

Leadership Summit

We will gather as a leadership community for worship, prayer, and vision casting for the upcoming year. Ministry and small groups are encouraged to invite your leadership teams. RSVP: […]


Support Boy Scout Troop 361 and bring aluminum cans, #1 plastic, and glass bottles for recycling.

All Church Lunch

Everyone is invited to stay after service for a time of eating together and fellowship. Menu: Teriyaki Burger. Suggested donation $3.